Collectively our staff riggers have more than three hundred years of experience. We’ve been rigging since 1986 and currently provide rigging services for over one hundred and twenty projects annually.
Our culture revolves around intense collaboration and the pursuit of excellence. We hold ourselves to the highest professional and ethical standards.

Kish Rigging cares deeply about safety. We have a full time engineering staff and a dedicated safety department. Our staff riggers are ETCP certified and have received the following minimum training:
• OSHA 30 hour
• Competent Person in Fall Protection
• Authorized Rescuer
We helped establish and continue to contribute to the Entertainment Technician Certification Program for arena riggers.

Every project is custom. We diligently coordinate with all the stakeholders on a project to create a fully integrated design that goes in safely and efficiently.
We understand the constraints of time, budget and the essential importance of risk management. We partner with our clients to keep projects on track from start to finish.